S.O.A.R. Ministries was birthed in 1991.
The acronym:
Spiritual Oppression Arrested by Righteousness
Our goal and purpose is to present the Gospel of Jesus,
The Christ, to those that are oppressed, equipping them to be the over-comers Jesus has called us to be.
Ephesians 6:12 For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. We believe, know and stand on the Scriptures, emphasizing
Therefore, we believe that by living in obedience to the Word of God, (always doing the right(eous) thing),
we will overcome the works of the enemy.
Bio for Rev. Linda L. Lewis Wright
Linda has been serving the Lord in ministry for over
40 years.
She was involved in several ministries in Illinois before relocating to California.
As a teacher of the Gospel, she has trained leaders, conducted Retreats, led Bible Studies and ministered as the Lord led.
As the founder and CEO of S.O.A.R. Ministries, she continues to encourage, mentor and minister to the lost and the oppressed Body of Christ as the Lord provides opportunity.
Linda was given a vision by the Lord of believers who were continuing to be oppressed of the enemy because of a lack of knowledge and has continued to reach out to educate about the tricks of the enemy, to free believers from bondage.
Rev. Linda relocated to Oceanside, CA in late 2013, where she is involved in community groups and ministry including facilitating a Bible Discussion Group in her community. She also serves with The Gleaning Field Foundation of Vista, CA.
Rev. Linda continues to have a heart for the orphaned and disabled children of Puerto Vallarta, Mx where she is involved with ‘Casa Connor’ a facility that built specifically to provide therapies for disabled children.